Ungefär som "RSA" men utrustad med en extern nitrogentank ("Piggy-bag"). Denna tillåter mer vätska i stötdämparen, detta medger till mindre friktion och mer konsistent dämpning. Perfekt för gatbilen som används flitigt på bana.
1 - Rebound and compression damping-range in 50 positions.
2 - Spring-preload fully adjustable.
Other Features;
3 - Mono-tube damper construction.
4 - Advanced thermostat valve for constant damping at full temperature-range.
5 - Piggy-bag style pressurised nitrogen reservoir.
1 - Internal check-valve for completely seperated compression and rebound.
2 - Can be combined with fully adjustable camber-plates*.
3 - Can be combined with 40mm and 46mm main piston diameters.
4 - Can be combined with 14mm and 22mm piston rod diameters.